Letters to Rorie My Dear beautiful little girl, May you grow to live a long, prosperous life, and to be a very strong woman, like your Ahma, without whose sacrifices and hard work in her life would have made our lives a lot different than we experienced it. May you grow to be strong and fair like your own mother, and her mother, both of whom endured a lot for their family, and gave nothing but love and compassion. May you strive to be your best, at all times, in all endeavors. May you travel often and see the world, as much of the world as you can, as it truly is, beautiful in all its diversity of people and land. May you live to see most, if not all, of your dreams fulfilled, and always keep dreaming. May you find love and cherish someone you will call your soulmate, with whom you will walk through life and be anchors of support for each other. May you have many children, or enough to help ensure a future for our human civilization, and through whom you will keep our family alive. May you always be yourself, never be afraid to speak your mind, and always be aware of your audience so you may relay your message accordingly. As I watch you grow to be smarter, faster, wittier, more independent, every day, I feel assured that you will have all these things. As we continue to walk with you through your journey, and until which time we part, we will always love, support, and encourage you, as did those who came before us. 20240607